- 1 Year Free Update
- Advanced version of Autel IM508
- IMMO ECU reset/adaptation
- Enhanced XP400 & J2534 ECU Programmer
Autel MaxiIM IM608 Key Programming Diagnostic Tool with XP400 Key Programmer and J2534 ECU Reprogrammer
Autel IM608 is perfect for automotive technicians and locksmiths to encrypt keys, add keys, change keys and generate keys. Smart Mode and Expert Mode in the IMMO app gives you guided and advanced key learning options. Autel Maxiim IM608 scanners can also read/write various key chips, helping to perform full key programming quickly. Active testing can help you determine exactly whether a particular subsystem or component in your vehicle is functioning well. This function may appear as Actuator, Actuator Test, or Functional Test, the test options vary by vehicle make and model. After the vehicle parts are repaired or replaced, Autel IM608 can reprogram some parts of the test vehicle with adaptive data through ECU Coding.